Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 11 - Visit to Host Family Pao Hsi Hsu - Lunch - Ghost festival - Host families Get together !!! Awesome Day !

Today is another beautiful day exposing the hospitality, culture and traditions of Taiwanese people.

The day started as routine with Mr. Chaing coming to the flat and picking us up at the flat. He dropped us at Mrs. Pao Hsi Hsu's home. We had brief discussions, and later the hosts showed us the various music instruments they play. They have flutes, Cinayi, traditional chinese violin and other musical items. We tried with all the musical instruments and enjoyed them when the hosts actually played them. The host family was very much into music, all of them were perfect with one or the other instrument.

After trying with all of the music intruments, we went out to a restaurant for lunch, the place was so nice and had lot of fun and good discussions. We discussed about India, Major Car companies, Health benefits for senior citizens, some Malaysian salt rocks etc . The funny part during our lunch is that one of my friend - a Say Taiwan guest, who was supposed to come to Bidu station, near keelung, had over slept and woke up some 40 mins later, after reaching Taipei, we were busy trying to help me reach us on time.

After the lunch, we went straight to the community center of Mrs. Pao Hsi Hsu, the community members were organising the ghost festival. We all participated in it and observed how it proceeds. Most of the community people acknowledged our presence by brief interactions and eye contacts. I felt so welcome at the place. After the ghost festival we went back to Pao's residence where we played with some clay while we waited for Mr. Tsai to pick us up.

Mr. Tsai, offered us the dinner, supposed to be our last one while in Keelung. His wife Mrs. Tsai,tried to cook food tasting similar to us. She made dishes of south asian style and wester style. We all had enjoyed the dinner. While the dinner was coming close to end, we realised that one by one all the hosts were arriving to Mr. Tsai's residence, to give us a farewell party. In some 15 mins or so, most of the hosts and all the guests of Keelung have gathered for the final farewell party. There were cakes for us, and later there were photos session, which was the final but most funny part of the day !

I really thank the organisers, my host families and co-participants for making the trip so memorable so far !