Wednesday, August 10, 2011

At Airport - Hyderabad - Taiwan here I come !!

After a long wait, its time now to catch my flight to Taiwan! I am now more curious and eagerly looking forward to my trip!

As mentioned in few previous posts, I have been allotted to my hosts at Keelung county. For few participants like me, the hosts haven’t contacted us, while for others the hosts have contacted the participants. Although it is not must that they should do it, but it makes things simple for participants to plan well for the stay. Like in my case I would have bought some gifts and souvenirs if I had known them better, however now it’s all different. Added to this, it is little sad that the whole day today all the shops and markets were closed due to the strike called by some political parties demanding for a division of the state.

Besides the gift thing, I am very curious and looking forward to meet my hosts and see what they have planned for us ! I am sure some most memorable moments are waiting for us in keelung in particular and Taiwan in general !

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