Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 10 - Family Gathering - Live Performance - Community Meeting Mayor - Fun games with Host Family

After a three day off from the host families, today again we joined the schedule of Keelung Host families !

Mr. Chang took us to one of our host family Mr. Tsai. Mr.Tsai. took us to a restuatrant and I saw all his family mem
bers and other relatives are waiting. Today also his mother's birthday, it was a good occasion for the family gathering. We had lunch and spent good time here discussing and interacting with most of the family members.

After the lunch we went to a cultural program organised at Keelung Cultural Centre. The performers at the cultural center performed great live music from drums and other traditional instruments. I loved it so much. The performers are from taiwan and also from Thailand and Japan.

After the wonderful live performence we went straight to a community meeting. I was surprised to see so many people in cultural dresses and attending the meeting. My host's community came dressed in blue color eagle attire. The whole event place was colorful. We also noticed Mayor of keelung attending this program. After some discussions, our host introduced us to a organizer of the event who took us on to the stage and made us introduce ourselves to the people there. After our introduction messages and some speech, we left the place.

At the end of the day we went to Mr. Tsai's residence and had brief interactions with his family . After a while we all played a game Majsah. It was fun to see that when we played for two times, the hosts intentionally lost the game to make us win :D After such fun we all had dinner and Mr. Chund arrived to take us home. On the route, we also visited his place and took some pictures with his family members.

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