Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 9 - Wu Fen Pu - Teipei Nova Market

Today we started our day late. We took rest until afternoon and had some mails to check. After all that work, we left to Wu Fen Pu market.

This is the first time during our stay in Taiwan that we are travelling on our own. We, Rahbar Ansari and Myself, took taxi upto Keelung train Station and enquired regarding the location of the Wu Fen Pu market and then took the train upto Songshan Train Station. The Wu fen Pu market is quite visible from the metro station itself. We walked around the market for almost 4 hours. We did a very little shopping.

After the shopping we went Taipei and did some window shopping near the Main train station. We also visited Neon, the computer market also with other latest gadgets. This is actually second time we are visiting it. Just yesterday we visited it along with Tim.

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