Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 2 - Dou Lamps Parade - Temple - Dinner !

After good sleep, today we went to Mr. Chaung's office, Keelung Culture Centre, from there one of his colleague, Mr. Ni Shen who is placed here for the 1 year mandatory military training, took us around the keelung city centre, starting with a museum. We visited the famous Night Market place, and also a temple very close to the market.

The temple experience was great with many interesting religious practices. One among them is the fortune telling sticks. In the temple in a long bowl there are several bamboo sticks, little more longer than the bowl, you have to pray and then randomly pick one of the stick, on the same place they are two big sized dry beans available, with one side painted and other side blank, you have to throw them as dice and see if both the bean show the same, if its same, then god intended that you read whats there on that bamboo. So once you get it confirmed, you have to see the number written on the bamboo and then refer to a big sized book to see what it means. For me it said, I am having good time and soon will achieve what I am dreaming of, while my friend had some message on faith meaning them, to keep faith in elders !

After this brief walk around, we had lunch along with our host Chung in a vegetarian hotel. Post lunch session was very interesting with the Dou Lamps Parade. Each family (last name) participate in the parade as a large group with a Lamp representing all the members of their family and giving an invite to their ghosts to come and enjoy the month long Ghost Festival. The lamps are carried all around the city, passing through temples and finally reach the changhwa temple. This temple is a three hundred year old famous one for the goddess who takes care of the fishermen community. Anciently keelung being a habitation of fisher men, this temple grew famous and powerful.

After the parade, we relaxed for some time at Mr. Chang's office room and then left to the dinner at Lonqui garden restaurant (meaning long dragon restaurant). Here the I was surprised to see two other Say Taiwan participants Stephanie and Richards. Actually i thought we will have to gop airport and pick up them. After the HEAVY and SUPER GOOD dinner party we came back to our host place.

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