Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 3 - Parade - Water Lattern Ceremony

Today we went to our host Mr. Chung's office and waited for our another host family. She introduced herself as Ms. Ting Lee and her father and a friend of her Mr. Chris. I was glad to know they would take us around Keelung and give us company over the next few days.

At first we went to the Night market place, which myself and rebahar already visited the previous day, and had some ice cream and fruit juices. From here we visited the temple and continued walking around the place until we found a local shop with all the temple stuff. After some window shopping, we went to a near by restaurant. This one is located quite close to the keelung cultural center.

After the lunch we all went to see the parade of ghost festival. It is one of the most memorable experiences I ever had. The parade was so organised and each group participated with some special activity or performances. Starting at 6:30 in evening the event went on until 10:30 night. Later all the exhibits of the parade went to the sea shore close by to burn of them all. It is believed that the longer it goes, the better are the invitations to the ghosts !

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