Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 5 - Keelung Municipal Council - Museum - Keelung County Country Side Restaurant - River - Fire Flies

Today we started the day with visit to Keelung Municipal Council, to meet the city counselor, however when we reached the place, we were told that he was busy and we could sit in the gallery and watch proceedings of the house. This includes elected Council members and the government staff discussing issues each of them and try to solve them. After watching the proceedings for some 15 more minutes, we left the place.

Museum - This museum stages all the information about Ghost Festival through the fascinating pictures, videos and scenes explaining the processes of the same.

Restaurant - After a drive for 30 minutes through the cool landscapes and scenic places we reached the restaurant. Our hosts Ting reserved this place to show us some special food cooked very deliciously here. The lunch started with regular food and as we came to the end we realized the restaurant serves dishes made from crocodile, turtles, ants and cricket. My friends have tried them all and while I enjoyed posing for pics imitating as if I am having them ;) We also had a journalist who joined us for lunch to the restaurant and took our interview for impressions on food and Keelung. From the restaurant we went straight to a river bank most suitable for swimming and had fun for around two hours or so.

We reached firefly restaurant by evening for dinner, yet another nice place for food. we all had food and started back to our apartment. On the way we had a surprise organised by our host Ting. She arranged fireworks for us and we all enjoyed it. The following is a pic of our "innovative" fun :)

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