Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 6 - Fort - Temple - Fishing

Today we went out with a new host family. We have not been able to meet them so far. Our host name is __________ representing __________ community.

We went to a beautiful fort on Dawulun Mountain constructed by cino - french army in 1900 - 02 AD, for protecting Keelung from invaders from East Coast. The fort is further developed and extensively used by the Japanese Soldiers. located in a big hill and is usually not visible. Unless some one knows where exactly it is, its tough to locate it. From one end of the fort there is a way down using steps. This ways leads directly to a secret lake and beautiful landscape called lovers park, as more lovers / couples are seen around this place.

After the fort we went to a community leader's home for lunch. Had good food there and after relaxing for a while we went to see the landscapes and few veiw points. En-route, we also visited a Gold mine, used several years ago. The chinmey of the gold mine, 2 kms long, is an attraction for the mine. In ancient days when they needed to construct a chimney, they decided they extend it so long so that the smoke does not pollute the lake. After finishing the trip we went straight for dinner.

After the dinner we went to the beach and did some fishing. The fishermen has already made fixed the fishing tent and in the evening when we went there, they were ready to bring the net to the sea shore. We all also joined them in pulling the net from sea into the sea shore. It was a long fishing net and has taken quite a long of time to come out, meaning we had been pulling for a long time. By the end we made it ! And it was a great experience.

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